Quote Originally Posted by paul_nicholls
Also if anyone wants to do some timing tests, here is a bresenham version I translated from C code:
Yes, this is one variant of Bresenham algorithm. However, your own algorithm can be adapted to give Bresenham lines without branching. Something like this (very short example):
 Span:= Max(Abs(y2 - y1), Abs(x2 - x1));

 if (Abs(y2 - y1) > Abs(x2 - x1)) then
  begin // vertical line
   y:= Min(y1, y2);
   x := x1 * 65536;
   dx:= (x2 - x1) * 65536 div Span;

   // !! if y2 < y1, set x to x2 and invert dx here

   for i&#58;= 0 to Span - 1 do
     PutPixel&#40;x div 65536, y + i&#41;;
     Inc&#40;x, dx&#41;;
  end else // do the same, but on x axis
In the above example, the inner loop has no branching and produces clean lines like the Bresenham algorithm.