
I am using Delphi and Asphyre 5 (the current 22 sep release).

More or less I am using Asphyre merely to render the actual images (nothing fancy like a sprite engine etc at this stage), so I am going to try and do the animation and collisioning myself.

But I am unsure of where to start and what are the best practices?

I want to begin by creating a basic 2D platform type game, but only with a fixed screen at this point (no horizontal or vertical scrolling) of 1024x768 pixels, where I will either have maps link one to the other (sort of like when going into houses and stuff but smoother) or just have the player move upward to a goal.

So basically I am worried about collisioning a player, probably some random enemies with very basic paths and of course some platforms (starting off with basic horizontal ones).

Some things that come to mind is, pixel perfect checking (not bounding box), I wouldn't want the player to walk above platforms and such, checking sides and bottom etc.

And also something I thought about, if any given map has say 20 platforms for the player to jump on, should I process the collision check for all the platforms each frame, or rather first check if the player is anywhere near any of them (I presume the later is less intensive)? In other words some kind of management to reduce overall processing stress.

Now I know this little game is probably not going make my computer blow up, but I would like to take a quality but well managed and efficient approach.

So..... anybody know where I should start?