efilnukefesin, I've already asked my ISP and this is not possible in my case (I wanted to do it a long time ago).
Chesso, those "business-like" ones suck too, because just like I mentioned, transfers are comparable.

Hmm... I really wonder how it's done in Rapidshare. Let me do some calculations here (later, you can tell me whether they're right ).
:arrow: Let's say RS has 7 servers, 100/100 mbit each (around 13 MB/s).
:arrow: There are 100 clients connected simultaneously who are downloading at 256 kB/s each.
:arrow: Overall servers connection speed is 7 * 13 = 91 MB/s.
:arrow: Overall transfer of clients is 100 * 256 = 25600 kB/s = 25,6 MB/s.
:arrow: Let's increase the number to 300. So it's 25,6 * 3 = 76,8 MB/s.
:arrow: That's still not enough. Let's say there are 600 clients connected. So it's 25,6 * 6 = 153, 6 MB.
That exceeds the overall connection speed of Rapidshare, but still you are able to download at 256 kB/s. :| How is it done?