Conversion is now 100% complete and project on Lazarus runs in exactly same visual and control quality and 0% cpu usage aswell as on Delphi.

I actually had a lot of problems when i was testing basic network stuff on my Delphi's component. WSockets was dated 1997 anyway... so Synapse has much better support and should work much more reliably. I wrote a high level wrapper unit to it automatically creating threads for sockets, and giving out onData and onEvent's for main program making it very easy to use. Same class works for TCP and UDP so if i wanted to use UDP all of the sudden all i need to do is call a different constructor and everything auto-magically works

Well obvious difference is that UDP server only listens to 1 socket and should only ever send something after client asks for it. You CAN store clients address for UDP server and make a list to use it same way as TCP server but i don't know if that's proper way to go... might be cool to do though.

Edit: Gotta have proof ofc!
And Free Pascal .exe size? I can squeeze that to 726kb with strip+upx.