Quote Originally Posted by Ixy
I think that my only problem now is collision detection. How to detect floor while jumping etc...
To help you out with giving advice, my map system is like this:
I'm using tiles. There is a BMP file with all the tiles' textures in it, and I have a variable "tile" that's array of TSDL_Rect (one "tile" = one tile).
When reading out the map from a text file, I do it like this - if it finds ' ', then it just increases the x coordinate of destination rect (and there is an array of destination rect, one for each tile). If it finds '1', then it blits that tile to the map surface at destination rect and so on.

So how do I detect the floor? I think that checking every frame if player y coordinate is the same as tiles' (and if it is, then if x coordinates fit) is a really bad idea.
I do it this way.

My tiles are in a 2d array, and the top left corner of the map is (0,0)

What I do is each update I check the character's position and velocity.

Below is some code I typed in off the top of my head. Untested but you should get the idea :-)

It doesn't add acceleration due to gravity to the vertical velocity (vy) and doesn't include the x direction checks but you should be able to work it out.

{................................................. .............................}
cMapWidth = 50;
cMapHeight = 25;
cTileWidth = 32;
cTileHeight = 32;
{................................................. .............................}

{................................................. .............................}
TTile = Record
id : Integer;
IsSolid : Boolean;
{................................................. .............................}

{................................................. .............................}
TPlayer = Class
x : Single;
y : Single;
vx : Single;
vy : Single;
w : Integer;
h : Integer;
Procedure Update(Const ATimeSlice : Single);
{................................................. .............................}

Tiles : Array[0..cMapHeight - 1,0..cMapWidth - 1] Of TTile;
{................................................. .............................}

{................................................. .............................}
Function SolidTileAt(Const x,y : Single) : Boolean;
tx : Integer;
ty : Integer;
Result := True;
tx := Floor(x / cTileWidth);
ty := Floor(y / cTileHeight);
If tx LESS_THAN 0 Then Exit;
If ty LESS_THAN 0 Then Exit;
If tx >= cMapWidth Then Exit;
If ty >= cMapHeight Then Exit;
Result := Tiles[ty,tx].IsSolid;
{................................................. .............................}

{................................................. .............................}
Procedure TPlayer.Update(Const ATimeSlice : Single);
SolidUL : Boolean; // upper left player corner tile is solid (wall)
SolidUR : Boolean; // upper right player corner tile is solid (wall)
SolidDL : Boolean; // lower left player corner tile is solid (wall)
SolidDR : Boolean; // lower right player corner tile is solid (wall)
ty : Integer; // tile y coordinate in tile array
ny : Single; // new y pos including current vertical velocity, vy
If vy LESS_THAN 0 Then
//moving up
ny := y + vy * ATimeSlice;
SolidUL := SolidTileAt(x - w/2,ny);
SolidUR := SolidTileAt(x + w/2,ny);
If SolidUL Or SolidUR Then
// set y to bottom of tile
ty := Floor(ny);
y := ty * cTileHeight + cTileHeight;
y := y + vy;
If vy > 0 Then
//moving down
ny := y + vy * ATimeSlice;
SolidDL := SolidTileAt(x - w/2,ny);
SolidDR := SolidTileAt(x + w/2,ny);
If SolidDL Or SolidDR Then
// set y to top of tile + player height
ty := Floor(ny);
y := ty * cTileHeight + h / 2;
y := y + vy;
// add gravity to vy here and cap to max velocity so not faster than tile height;
{................................................. .............................}

{................................................. .............................}
