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Thread: Problems with a chunk-based file

  1. #21

    Re: Problems with a chunk-based file

    Quote Originally Posted by chronozphere
    Could you not store the record structure inside a stream/file that is also stored in the blocks. E.g. the record structure is just another file inside the archive. No interference that way.
    That is an interesting idea, but i would implement it in a slightly other way. If you use the existing file-system to store filesystem-data you will not be able to retrieve this data because it's stored in the system itsself, and you need this meta-data to tell in which file the meta-data is stored.. It's an endless circle isn't it. 


    You are simply encapsulating your filesystem into another blocksystem. Doing it this way allows you to keep adding data to the end of your file without having to move data around to allow parts of the file to grow. This system allows for fragmentation and asks for a defragmentation-method(). You also need to scan all blocks at startup to be able to enumerate all files that exist inside the VFS.
    If the added complexity and work is no problem for, you could try this method.
    The circle got a a starting point on by having the 'file' index always start in block 2. Leaving block 1 for the header. Now the 'file' index can be used to retrieve meta data and data tables and data indexes also stored as other files inside the chunked file. The 'file' index can be considered an data table also.

    Have a look at my vfs:
    and look at
    procedure TVirtualFileSystem.GetFileList(aname: string; List: TStrings);
    that uses FDir: TVirtualFileStream;
    what is a filestream inside the chunked file that starts in block2.
    it can be loaded in a stream by name '/' because
    function TVirtualFileSystem.FindFile(aname: string; var afilerecord: TFileInfo): int64;
    returns the first record in block 1:
    self.ReadBlock(1,FileRecordEntry,0,SizeOf(TFileInf o));
    and yes this record is fixed size :-) variable sized records are somewhere low on my todo list.
    as filename: string[255];
    and yes nvfs potentialy needs to be defragmented after deleting files and making files larger/smaller.
    But i have no need to enumerate al files at startup. Al i need to do when reading a file is look up its name in '/' that way i retrieve the starting chunk and each chunk knows the follow up chunk for a file. - create adventure games without programming

  2. #22

    Re: Problems with a chunk-based file

    Thanks for all your ideas. But they don't seem to resolve my problem.

    The block structure I wanna use is:
    { .: TBlock :. }
    TBlock = packed record
    Flag: Byte;
    NextBlock: Cardinal; // used when reading files contents

    The problem is not how the structure would look like, but how to implement the file format. What I mean is that I've not a slightest clue how to manage a file structure and file data inside one file. Also, as I want my format to support directory trees (what's important - a directory can contain files and subdirectories).

    That's what the problem really is, nevertheless the idea of blocks proposed by chronozphere suits me.

    And yes, sorry for me being not clear from the very beginning.

  3. #23

    Re: Problems with a chunk-based file

    It is not easy. Dont try to do all at once. But try to make chunks/blocks work with a directory first. Then consider your directory to be a file that starts in block 1. And your header to be block 0. Then think on subdirectories. Oh and try to avoid loading to much in memory the vfs is leading not internal memory.

    Also did not you have something working before? Try to adapt that? You said it had problems when lots of files were added?

    Also i should make i better example for nvfs to show it of better. But that wont be until next week. - create adventure games without programming

  4. #24

    Re: Problems with a chunk-based file

    noeska's right. Get your header/chunk code sorted and after that directories and sub-directories are easy. Just specify the virtual path and filename when adding the file.

    Eg: File c:\example.txt can be stored as df0:\dir1\subdir1\example.txt in the file system(with df0: being the virtual root drive)

    All you need to do is store that filename and the directories can be worked out from that, not affecting how you save the chunk data. Of course, this doesn't take into account empty directories because i can't see the point of storing them

    Here's some code. It's from a file packer i started to write a little while back but didn't finish(the packing worked, i couldn't get my head round compressing the data).

    edit: found this Compression Library which was exactly what i was looking for. I'm sure you guys know all about it I think i'll have another go at finishing my project now.
    rootdir = 'df0:';

    {add a trailing character C to a string S}
    function TrailC(S: string;C: Char): string;
    if (Length(s)>0) and (s[Length(s)]<>c) then S:=S+C;

    {split a filename into separate parts. Return the path or the file depending on dir(true for directory). default returns path}
    function split(f0: string; dir: boolean): string;
    k: integer;
    // no path specified
    if (pos('\', f0)=0) then begin
    if dir then begin
    result:=trailc(rootdir, '\');
    else if not dir then result:=f0;

    // find last path separator
    while (f0[k]<>'\') and (k>0) do dec(k);
    if dir then begin
    result:=copy(f0, 1, k);
    if length(result)=1 then result:=trailc(rootdir, '\'); // convert '\' to 'df0:\'
    if (result[1]='\') then insert(rootdir, result, 1) // convert '\directory1' to 'df0:\directory1'
    else if (pos(rootdir,result)=0) then insert(trailc(rootdir, '\'), result, 1); // force rootdir into filename
    else result:=copy(f0, k+1, length(f0));

    {string satisfy function. allows widcard matches of a string S using Mask like *.txt or file??.txt. Returns True on success}
    function StrSatisfy(S,Mask: PChar) : Boolean;
    if (S^=#0) and (Mask^=#0) then exit;
    if (Mask^='*') and (Mask[1]=#0) then exit;
    if S^=#0 then begin
    while Mask^ = '*' do Inc(Mask);

    if Mask^=#0 then exit;
    if Mask^='?' then begin
    Inc(S);Inc(Mask);goto next_char;
    if Mask^='*' then begin
    Inc( Mask );
    while S^<>#0 do begin
    if Result then exit;
    exit; // (Result = False)
    if Result then goto next_char;

    {enumerate all files using mask. findexes was the array for my file index}
    function enumfiles(mask: string): tstrings;
    f, p: string;
    i: tindex;
    if (trim(mask)='') or (length(findexes)=0) then exit;
    f:=split(mask, false);
    for i in findexes do
    if (split(i.filename)=p) and (strsatisfy(pchar(split(i.filename,false)),pchar(f ))) then result.add(i.filename);

    {enumerate all folders using Mask}
    function enumfolders(mask: string): tstrings;
    k: integer;
    p: string;
    i: tindex;
    if (trim(mask)='') or (length(findexes)=0) then exit;
    for i in findexes do begin
    p:=split(i.filename, true);
    p:=copy(p,1,length(p)-1); // remove the last '\' from filepath
    k:=result.indexof(p); // only add new directories
    if (strsatisfy(pchar(p), pchar(mask))) and (k=-1) then result.add(p);

    So given 5 files(with df0:\ being the root directory):
    df0:\directory1\directory1\d.txt <- same named sub-dirs are allowed

    enumfiles('*') = df0:\a.txt (if you wanted all files, just read the index - it would be easier and quicker)
    enumfiles('\directory1\*') = df0:\directory1\b.txt & df0:\directory1\c.txt
    enumfolders('directory1\*') = directory1
    Windows Vista x64 Ultimate<br />AMD Athlon x64 4000+<br />Codegear Delphi 2009, Delphi 2007, Borland Delphi 7

  5. #25

    Re: Problems with a chunk-based file

    Ok guys, thanks for your replies. I'll read it all once again and try to make something out of your ideas.

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