Quote Originally Posted by Memphis
maybe, but 1... i dont like the newton forum

What a excellent excuse :\ you are going to ignore the original forum that has newton developers that are more qualified to answer your questions more than anyone else because you don't like it.

Helping mode:

Anyway, if you need, i can give you my newton 2.0 pascal header, i think there's one on forum from koom or sury but i am not sure, if you can't find one let me know and i'll give you mine.

does anyone had some examples of loading a mesh or so and using it with newton
creating a newton collision object from a GLSCENE mesh (newton 1.35 but will probably work with 2.0 with no changes):

 terrain:= NewtonCreateTreeCollision(nWorld, nil); 


 test:= street.MeshObjects.Items[0].ExtractTriangles(nil, nil);

 for i:= 0 to test.Count div 3 do begin
 faces[0]:= test.Items[i*3 + 0];
 faces[1]:= test.Items[i*3 + 1];
 faces[2]:= test.Items[i*3 + 2];
 NewtonTreeCollisionAddFace(terrain, 3, @faces[0], 12, 1);

 NewtonTreeCollisionEndBuild(terrain, 1);
Remember to serialize the trimesh and cache it, as it'll load much faster from serialized format.