Quote Originally Posted by dazappa
Shiny, registration and adding a machine process went smoothly. Even though I'm not judging, if I other people can view my machine specs it'll probably come in handy later on, instead of bothering to type everything out again I can direct them to the page.

I'm going to be a one man group; I suppose I shouldn't bother setting up a team should I?

And.. hope you've got some rules for this comp laying around somewhere; it's nice to know the particulars. Just get them up by the 11th
The rules are there... they are in collapsable sections... look for things with + next to them... give them a click and stuff should popup or disappear. And you will need to create a team... even if it's just you. Making it handle individual signups and teams is pain in the ass, so it just does teams.

All that remains is for me to wish everyone good luck. I suggest you read the news on the competition site and in case you're wondering where the 'submit' entry part is... erm... I have to write that... and the scoring... and the winners bit.. and...

GOOD LUCK TO EVERYONE! Let battle commence!

Oh yeah... the judges... I'll be getting onto the judges over the next couple of days to signup and get their machine specs uploaded so you guys can check them out. I should also add that at the time of writing, the prize pool is around the $2900 mark.