Hi again guys/gals

I have now gotten my ms3d importer working (including textures, but no joints yet), and my ms3d exporter working (including textures and joints), but I still have a problem...

The exporter only SEEMS to export ok to ms3d animated DeleD objects that only contain joint rotations, but as soon as an animation contains joint translations too, then the output animation is screwed up

Looking at the ms3d joint structures:

typedef struct // 16 bytes
  float      time;                // time in seconds
  float      rotation[3];            // x, y, z angles
} ms3d_keyframe_rot_t;

typedef struct // 16 bytes
  float      time;                // time in seconds
  float      position[3];            // local position
} ms3d_keyframe_pos_t;

typedef struct
  byte      flags;               // SELECTED | DIRTY
  char      name[32];              //
  char      parentName[32];           //
  float      rotation[3];            // local reference matrix
  float      position[3];

  word      numKeyFramesRot;          //
  word      numKeyFramesTrans;         //

  ms3d_keyframe_rot_t keyFramesRot[numKeyFramesRot];   // local animation matrices
  ms3d_keyframe_pos_t keyFramesTrans[numKeyFramesTrans]; // local animation matrices
} ms3d_joint_t;
Does anyone know what sort of positional values go in the position field of the ms3d_keyframe_pos_t structure? Are they absolute values, or are they relative to something else...a joint perhaps?

For example, I discovered that the ms3d_joint_t position field is relative to the parent joint.

So this means that this position is absolute if the joint has no parent, but is an offset from the parent joint position if it exists...

Here are two videos I did of two DeleD animated models exported to ms3d:

Jeroen's Lamp (seems to work ok, and includes BOTH animations back-to-back!)

Chronozphere's mech (still not working properly due to joint translations)

Any ideas?
