Hi all,
I hope anyone here who is familiar with the Milkshape3D MS3D file format can help me

I am trying to create a Pascal MS3D exporter for a project I am working on, and I have a few questions about the structures involved with this format.

I have gotten the specs for the Milkshape3d MS3D 3D file format from here:


Question 1

typedef struct {
  byte  flags;                   // SELECTED | SELECTED2 | HIDDEN
  float  vertex[3];                 //
  char  boneId;                   // -1 = no bone
  byte  referenceCount;
} ms3d_vertex_t;
What values do I use for the referenceCount in this structure?

Prior to writing out the vertex to the file, I know what to put into the other three fields, but not this one.

I figure I can use 0 for the flags, vertex is obvious, I can use -1 for boneId (till I decide to do animation support).

I have looked at the source code of some MS3D readers but none of them seem to use this field at all...do I just put 0 for the referenceCount in vertex?

Question 2

typedef struct {
  word  flags;                   // SELECTED | SELECTED2 | HIDDEN
  word  vertexIndices[3];              //
  float  vertexNormals[3][3];            //
  float  s[3];                    //
  float  t[3];                    //
  byte  smoothingGroup;               // 1 - 32
  byte  groupIndex;                 //
} ms3d_triangle_t;
Re: groupIndex field
What values would I use for groupIndex in this structure?

Does every triangle have to belong to a group?

It seems that every triangle that uses a different material needs to belong to a different group, is this correct?

I may have other questions later on, but thanks for your time