Quote Originally Posted by paul_nicholls
I have some rules questions:

4. Games should have a clearly defined beginning and end.
Not sure what you mean by this? Lots of arcade games had no end, except for dying...

Or do you mean that death is a defined end?
Death is an acceptable end... so to is to actually reach the end of a game... some one wins for example or you run out of chances.

Quote Originally Posted by paul_nicholls
6. Your game should be written specifically for the competition. You cannot submit a game that was started before the competition began. Anyone found to be breaking this rule could be subject to disqualification.
What if I had a game idea pre-competition, but I never actually wrote any code (I only had a concept screenshot)?

I assume I can use the idea as I never started the game?
I'm pretty certain we will all have ideas for an arcade game... I know I have... the key thing is that all the code you right must be written within the competition period with the usual exception of pre-written game engines which you can use provided that the core logic/control/gameplay code is written specifically for this competition.