Working title: Day of Destruction!
Game Style: non-scrolling 2d side view game.
Genre: action/survival
Graphics Type: not sure yet - vector graphics, bit mapped polygons, other?
Technology: SDL for window/input/timing, and OpenGL or graphics.
Platform: PC, Win32


Long ago, extra-terrestrials tried to colonise the Earth, and it looked like they would succeed, but they ended up being defeated by the tiniest of foes, bacteria!

Now they are back and want revenge by destroying the Earth! So they don’t make the same mistake again, they won’t land on the planet, but they will stay safely in space.

The aliens have built a number of weapons - giant space cannons which can fire debris like asteroids, meteorites, etc.

The cannons are situated in the asteroid belt orbiting between Mars and Jupiter, and they have started sending asteroids and meteorites of various sizes hurtling towards the Earth.

Earth’s destruction seems assured, but wait...there may be hope!

The Earth’s military forces have been working together to create defensive weapons capable of staving off the attacks.

This consists of giant repulsor guns that can be used to change the course of space rocks, or even blow them apart if the rocks are hit hard enough.

How long can you last before the Earth gets destroyed by the aliens?
If you thought the first sentence sounded familiar, then you would be right! This is my tribute to War Of The Worlds, and my version of a sequel!