Hi all,

I am in the process of writing an engine for a possible future MMO project, and trying to think of ways to speed up the processing and rendering times.

I have everything stored in TList classes, which works great when i have a few hundred model instances, but when i start to get in to the thousands its starts to take its toll.

The engine at the moment can handle 5,000 model instances (712 Polygons each) with out to much of a speed impact, even with GL Picking. However, things start to seriously slow down as i reach the 10,000 and 20,000+ regions.

I plan on using an octree, but since the game may have around 100,000+ instances in the view at a time, this wont help too much.

Does anyone have suggestions on speeding things up?

Can i use VBO commands in a glList? and if i can, can i use vector pointers in opengl to update the positions and rotations?

Many Thanks