I've got a weird problem recently using SDL_mixer and Mac OS X (Leopard 10.5.7). Whenever Mix_OpenAudio() is being called, I get an "EInvalid Point: Invalid floating point operation". I had this problem a few weeks back, it went away when changed to frequency to:
Mix_OpenAudio(44100, MIX_DEFAULT_FORMAT, 2, 4096);
Now I've been trying out different frequencies, formats, channels etc. for the last day and a half, but I'm still getting invalid floating point operations and it's getting frustrating now. (Especially since it's for a semi-commercial project with a strict deadline.)
There is no difference if I use the framework method or compile it against Fink. Whats even more weird than that, it doesn't work with C++ either. Is the SDL_mixer framework corrupted?

Edit: Just recompiled the SDL_mixer framework from source and it's still not working.