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Thread: Optimal Code problem #1

  1. #1

    Optimal Code problem #1

    This is the first problem of the Optimal Code problem thread. For more information about the Optimal Code event, click here.

    Problem description:
    I have a list of 50 TImage components. They each have an image preloaded in design time. I also have a variable that holds a number between 1 and 50. I want to check the variable for the value and then display the corresponding image from the correct TImage component.

    First solution:
    procedure textureTile(tile :TTileInfo; tilenr: byte);
    var i : byte;
    name : string;
    case tilenr of
    1: Map.Canvas.Draw(tile.x*32,tile.y*32, image1.Picture.Graphic);
    2: Map.Canvas.Draw(tile.x*32,tile.y*32, image2.Picture.Graphic);
    3: Map.Canvas.Draw(tile.x*32,tile.y*32, image3.Picture.Graphic);
    4: Map.Canvas.Draw(tile.x*32,tile.y*32, image4.Picture.Graphic);
    5: Map.Canvas.Draw(tile.x*32,tile.y*32, image5.Picture.Graphic);
    6: Map.Canvas.Draw(tile.x*32,tile.y*32, image6.Picture.Graphic);
    7: Map.Canvas.Draw(tile.x*32,tile.y*32, image7.Picture.Graphic);
    8: Map.Canvas.Draw(tile.x*32,tile.y*32, image8.Picture.Graphic);
    9: Map.Canvas.Draw(tile.x*32,tile.y*32, image9.Picture.Graphic);
    10: Map.Canvas.Draw(tile.x*32,tile.y*32, image10.Picture.Graphic);
    11: Map.Canvas.Draw(tile.x*32,tile.y*32, image11.Picture.Graphic);
    12: Map.Canvas.Draw(tile.x*32,tile.y*32, image12.Picture.Graphic);
    50: Map.Canvas.Draw(tile.x*32,tile.y*32, image50.Picture.Graphic);

    10 lines is doable, 50 is not. There must be a better way, especially because the only thing that changes is the value and the name of the image component.

    Alternative solution:
    [code=pascal]procedure textureTile(tile :TTileInfo; tilenr: byte);
    var i : byte;
    name : string;
    for i := 0 to ComponentCount - 1 do
    if Components[i] is TImage then
    name := (Components[i] as TImage).Name;
    delete(name,1, length('Image'));
    if strToInt(name) = tilenr then
    map.Canvas.Draw(tile.x*32,tile.y*32, (Components[i] as TImage).Picture.Graphic);

    Looks better, but I don't like the loop, especially because this procedure is called a lot, which means that its probably slower than the first solution. Perhaps there is a better way to handle this?

  2. #2

    Re: Optimal Code problem #1

    I haven't used Delphi (I assume that's what you're using) in years, but surely something like this would work:

    [code=pascal]procedure textureTile(tile :TTileInfo; tilenr: byte);
    Map.Canvas.Draw(tile.x*32,tile.y*32, TImage(FindComponent('image' + IntToStr(tilenr))).Picture.Graphic);

    Of course, to be safe you would probably want to check the output of FindComponent.

    Traveler: added pascal tags.
    [size=10px]"In science one tries to tell people, in such a way as to be understood by everyone, something that no one ever knew before. But in poetry, it's the exact opposite." -- Paul Dirac[/size]

  3. #3

    Re: Optimal Code problem #1


    Graphs: array [1..50] of TGraphic;



    //Call this one first to initialize the array
    procedure TForm1.BuildImageArray();
    var i : byte;
    a : integer;
    name : string;
    for i := 0 to ComponentCount - 1 do
    if Components[i] is TImage then
    name := (Components[i] as TImage).Name;
    delete(name,1, length('Image'));
    if TryStrToInt(name, a) then
    Graphs[a] := (Components[i] as TImage).Picture.Graphic;

    //This is just a simple lookup routine
    procedure TForm1.textureTile(tile :TTileInfo; tilenr: byte);
    if Assigned(Graphs[tilenr]) then
    Map.Canvas.Draw(tile.x*32,tile.y*32, Graphs[tilenr]);
    raise EInvalidOperation.Create('Tile-Graphic with index: '+Inttostr(tilenr)+' is not assigned.');
    end; [/code]

    Traveler: added pascal tags and corrected a few code errors to make it work.
    Coders rule nr 1: Face ur bugz.. dont cage them with code, kill'em with ur cursor.

  4. #4

    Re: Optimal Code problem #1

    Great replies guys! That's exactly what I was hoping for.

    @cragwolf: That's the simplest solution, I believe. And it can't get any shorter too.
    @chronozphere: I like your solution a lot too. It does the hard work (looking for the correct component) only once. I had never thought of doing something like that.

    In my case speed isn't really an issue, so I'm going for cragwolf's solution. Of course if there are any other solutions, I'm interested in hearing them as well.
    In the meantime, I already have received a new problem that I'll be posting very soon.

  5. #5

    Re: Optimal Code problem #1

    chronozphere aproach is "optimal", just an array lookup
    From brazil (:

    Pascal pownz!

  6. #6

    Re: Optimal Code problem #1

    I agreee with arthurprs, it could be done "faster", but not in the realm of the problem. (hw acceleration)

    Oh, and this code appears to be an approximate replacement for return(random() & 0x01);

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