Hi everybody,

several month ago, I posted here my translation of APE Physics engine.
I fellow my way, with the intention to work with it, but the lack of update of the main APE site push me on an other side : Box2d.

I begin translation, but, sorry, lot of work and lot of stuffs : You know certainly what I'm said.

Fortunaly, other man work on it ! Qianyuan Wang made a wonderfull port, youll find his work here : http://sourceforge.net/projects/box2d-delphi/
the top is the fact it is distribute with the original demo : An huge one ! Anyone know original Box2d demo knows what I'm said.

I work a little on it, and I propose to you a first very basic demo on my site.

I put archive on Delphi APE too.

Have a nice day, folks !
