
PG for me is not a hobby, I have a biz providing middleware solutions and will be also making and selling games. All of which will be sold direct from the site. You do not have to pay for the engine if you do not want to use it in a commercial project as it's free for non-commercial use. If you desire to use it in a commercial setting then a indie friendly Registered Developer License is required.

The good thing about game development today is that there are so many great choices and most are free too. I can only speak for my own products of coarse, PG has all the features out of the box to make a complete 2D game and other graphical simulations. I will not argue that PG is more or less than all the other great solutions out there. I will just say it is what it is and a vision of the sort of rapid game development via a middleware solution that I've strived to develop the past 10+ years.

A few features:[*]Support for all 32 bit versions of Delphi[*]Support for C++[*]API layer for binding to other languages[*]Sprites, Entities, AI, Primitives[*]Database (MySQL remote|locate, SQLite local)[*]Audio (mp3 | wav | ogg | many more)[*]Many, many more great features...

I have not yet had a change to show case all the great features that's available in PG out of the box that makes it, IMHO stand out. I'm working on this however.