PyroGineび「 Game Engine is based around an enhanced COM modal that I'm calling ECOMび「 or Extendable Component Object Modal. COM allows access to classes across the DLL boundary, the extendable specification allows those classes to also be extendable across the DLL boundary. With the ECOM 2.0 spec, I finally got consistent use for all 32bit versions of Delphi (tested down to version 5).

So what does this mean? Even though the whole SDK was written in Delphi 2010, you can use Delphi 6 for example to access and even extended the classes (full OOP) inside the standard win32 DLL on the host side. Full OOP support for C++ Builder 2010 is now in as well as API support for any standard C++ compiler.

Paul Nicholls is currently working on a PyroGine powered game called The Probe.