The way you access the majority of the API is procedural while the stuff that benefits more from OOP remains OOP. There is a thin OOP layer (THGEObject, THGEObjectList, THGEActor, etc) for object management. Yes, the current changes where needed for making language bindings easier. The HGE.pas and HGE.cpp are currently in sync which was a HUGE and important step. You can access the OOP layer from C++ the same way you do from Object Pascal.

Your existing code changes would consist of:[*]Changing PG.xxx.xxx to HGE_xxx_xxx[*]Changing TPGxxx to THGExxx[*]Only have to include the one HGE unit[*]No memory management to worry with.[*]Works with both Ansi and Unicode versions of Delphi

If there are a lot of requests for full OOP like before then the rest of API can still be wrapped. At this point the areas that most benefit from being OOP are already coded/wrapped.

The order of the current roadmap is pretty much the order that I plan to follow which has docs and example at the very top so your concerns should be covered there.

Thanks BTW for posting your concerns and views. Please keep them coming. The more I know the more I can tailor it to be a better product. Thanks to everyone who has dropped in so far. Keep it coming.