Quote Originally Posted by Brainer
Looks solid. The only thing I can complain about is that the terrain (I suppose it's a terrain) doesn't have either normals calculated or the texture is of a poor quality. Other than that, everything seems to be working fine. I didn't have a look at the code, tho', but looking at the framerate I can assume your code is optimal.

Keep up the great work.
The "Terrain" is simply random numbers stuck together into an array of points. So, um... yeah, it doesn't look good. The texture isn't exactly high quality either, it was just the first thing I found

My problem really lies in when I start taking the land mass up to large (say 1000x1000) quads, then the performance drops off like a rock. Since I'm using Display Lists I didn't think this would happen, but I'm obviously wrong. So, back to the drawing board as I guess I'm going to have to tell OpenGL here is a sub block of land, render it.

Seen lots of posts about VBO's but have yet to find easy to understand code about how to set this up AND use it in the end.

- Jeremy