I think that from what I've seen, you're doing an awesome job. since I've joined the community I've seen this site go from strength to strength to become an excellent resource for *all* programmers. OOP can be read and understood by anyone who codes and the techniques and discussions here are useful on all kinds of levels.

There are all kinds of skill sets and lots of great ideas and the community is growing in strength!

All kinds of exciting developments in the OOP world will bring an influx of new coders. XE2 will see many new people picking up the language and Firemonkey will see many of them realize that graphics is not the impossible topic they imagine! thanks to the hard work of people such as Dr. Norman Morrison (http://pp4s.co.uk/index.html) more and more institutions will adopt and re-adopt OOP as the learning language of choice. It really is the best, here in the UK Pascal was the main educational language for a long time and there's very good reasons for that! OOP teaches you far better than C or Java, how to think about your code in a generic manner. An OOP coder will always have an easier time picking up a new language than someone that started elsewhere. It was designed by a genius for that very reason!

Umm, sorry getting off topic

So yes! I think you're doing an excellent job, this place has become a big part of my recreational life as it has for many others and it's thanks to your hard work that the community shines as it does

The age of PGD is upon us! *insert age of empires soundtrack here*