Just another check-in. At this point a lot of stuff works and some does not. Focus is now for XML/TMX support and audio support based on openal. The PNG loader is being looked into after the Ludum Dare entry started producing weird behavior on X11 based systems but not WINAPI based systems - although this is most likely down to bad memory optimization and x11 management.

As a result the entire OpenGL code is being scrutinized and most likely binned for a new system based on FBOs and PBOs for extendability and switchable render targets - perhaps a 'render to disk' option or multiple monitor/window option will arise as a result.

The X11 event management code is being overhauled yet again for better integration as well as for mouse support - Mac OS X will have to put up with the 'Generic' window handler AKA SDL while linux users benefit from native X11 code and WIN32 users benefit from native WINAPI code that I hope will be released within the next few weeks.

So, what this means for users:
-Faster performance (up to 35% better frame rates and memory management)
-More OSes without touching a single line of code - Mac, Windows, Linux and possible flash (this one is.... complicated )
-Audio is on its way
-Using prometheus for proper rendering as well as potentially in multi-monitor setups and support for a 'virtual monitor' which will be elaborated on at a later date!