Here we go for another update... After a decent chunk of coding in the last 24 hours, progress as it stands:

Prometheus_Vid in SVN is still not stable.
Window handling is not done by SDL any more... For X11 systems anyway. Working on the Win32 fad
Resource loading will no longer happen with SDL thanks to the new IDF (Image Detection Framework) which is a fancy name for image format detection and launching appropriate loading procedures... Which once implemented should mean the end of the SDL inclusion in Prometheus_Video at last, hooray, giving you a few MBs of your memory back and a big speed boost (around 30% at a guess).

That is, once OpenGl starts rendering correctly again to the new window management...

Prometheus source structure is changing so you it will have a Prometheus\ folder in Src\ rather than Video, Core and Audio directly which can be annoying on large projects.
Prometheus_Version module will likely NOT be in the next release since I have yet to format PDFF (Prometheus Data File Format), PDTF (Prometheus Data Transmission Format - yes, Prometheus will soon do networking ), PMFF (Prometheus Meta File Format), PEDF (Prometheus Encrypted Data Format) and lastly PCDF (Prometheus Compressed Data Format) which will provide some interesting developments in the next month or two... And yes, Prometheus will still support other data formats, but sometimes you want high speed, on the fly data processing or you want to reduce the number of resource files you have right? And thats why all you need is a Prometheus File packing tool and you're set to go.

Warning: I would not recommend using PEDF for sensitive data - I am no cryptology expert, it might keep the end user tweaking settings etc... But it is easily reversible/brute-forceable despite the fact you can have anything up to a 255 character ASCII key (thats 255^255 possibilities), its a simple cipher

Oh, and androidx86 is not playing nice with anything I try to run it on... Not mention I have yet to figure out the compiler first so check in in the next 1-2 months for an update on that. Meanwhile, I'll be rewriting management for X11, Win32 and perhaps looking for a person lucky enough to have Mac to test my Mac implementations of it... Unless it uses X11 and is compatible with linux X11 code. Which, knowing Apple, I doubt somehow.

All of this reminds me... I'll have to document all this too now :/