Thanks adnru, not quite the pace you've got ver at ZenGl eh? A fair few years ago I had an old nokia brick and was reading the news of the initial symbian - android - ios clash in south africa with no one I knew having any of those devices at the time, and my android phone is only knocking on 1 year old now so I cant say I've had it all that long. As for the other platforms (game console and such) - I could never get FPC to work right for GBA or NDS. Some stuff compiled and ran, but some other sutff remained a mystery XD

Though I see your point in that everyone is moving towards those mobile platforms, though since my code is opengl based and the mobile platforms are OpenGl ES mostly theres quite some similarities and as for compiling for those platforms its turning into quite a polished process as the developper wolrd gets used to this process Personally I'm an anti-java supporter though I see its attractiveness when I'm writing the low level code for each platform java gurus take for granted. Might have to look into project cooper

Since I've written this theres a teeny update:
PM_MemUtils. Its in the name, load files to ram for faster access as well as byte level manipulations have been added to the SVN and latest snapshot