Not many, but one of two covering the language wouldn't hurt. There is something to be said for having all the essential information in one place. It might even draw in more people interested in the language to making games with it too. That said, no, we don't want to go nuts with this.

Yes, there aren't many tutorials for getting setup with X, Y or Z game library either. There was a bunch of DelphiX tutorials, and I would repost them here too, but they've been slowly disappearing. However, other more current libraries are the way to go. Now getting started working with headers isn't a bad tutorial to write either. OpenGL isn't so bad to work with once you get past the window management portion. NeHe sort of has that covered in a way though. DirectX on the other hand, not too many tutorials or working just with the headers. Lots of game libraries though.

There are other topics too like simple AI for games like pong and them more intermediate such as pathfinding. Then there is genre specific tutorials we could write as in how to make a bouncing ball game(pong, brick breaker), Snake/Tron, Asteroids, Maze-based (pacman), and then the more full game types space shooter(galaga, raiden), platformer(mario, contra), tower defense and so on. You can also get into audio for your game talking about audio formats, compression, quality and methods of playback. Maybe a beginners tutorial for OpenAL wouldn't hurt either, but I think that Noeska has some of those.

These are some ideas, but really we need people to start writing them and getting them up on PGD. It'll help so many newcomers to have a place where they can read and learn about solid topics available here on the site. Besides just writing myself, I'm also emailing people who have written tutorials themselves and trying to see if they are interested in either republishing here or writing more for us. Either would be great.