Ah yesw, I have a bad habit of that... sorry.

If its the runtime - try putting those dynalib thingys in the same folder as the executeable or somehwere the system can find them. I would guess that the problem here is you need some type compiling libs? Perhaps try http://sourceforge.net/projects/jedi-sdl/ since in my windows expereince these worked a treat. My mac user-time extands to a comprehensive 7 hours so I'm far from expert (that one button mouse gets to me. I rightclick once every 10 seconds by habit to do everything, and on mac I click everything I shouldn't. Thank god it doesnt crash at the first glimpse of trouble s) )

Anyway, dont forget that you may need the LibSdl AND the libsdl-DEV for thins t work, as I found out. Beyond that is unkown for me so this will most likely be my last post on this topic.

Mac users: I am very sorry to have offended you in any way. I totally admit that MacWorld and Steve Jobs makes for a much saner atmosphere at product launches than M$. Also - please understand: not everyone is blessed with error-free computing like you and that not all devices are made by apple. so they break. and when things break we get dpressed. so we make jokes

Edit: and oh, this is my 250th post? whaaaat? that many alreadyy?