Sounds like a good idea!

There are some things I had trouble with when I first started designing games. Most of these problems were math related. Now I have enough knowledge to write about:
> Trigoniometry, which is quite essential if you want more than pacman or simple platformers
> Vectors and Matrices (and especially the dirty and confusing edges they have.. this won't be a basic introduction to them though)

One of the topics that doesn't recieve a lot of attention in this community is Artificial intelligence. I could try to write an article about that too, because last year I recieved a nice book about it *nudge*wink*

I also know quite alot about OpenGL/OpenAL but I feel that there are plenty of those tutorials on the internet. Yes, these are not always pascal-oriented, but that shouldn't be a problem. I actually feel that anyone who really wants to make games, but doesn't want to follow tutorials written in other languages, is being picky, since their concepts could be easily applied in pascal projects. There are exceptions though (like advanced topics + tips'n tricks), but this is my general opinion.

I noticed that ZenGL is pretty popular nowadays. It might be a good idea to make some tutorials highlighting some of it's features in more detail.