Nice. A programmer jokes topic. I have some ^^

> A SQL query enters the pub. He walks to two tables and asks: "May I join you"?

> A programmer makes a nice walk along the beach. Suddenly he sees someone drowning in the water. He jumps in and saves him. This person appears to be a genie.
"Thank you! You saved my life; now you can make any wish you want" the genie says.
The programmer says: "I'd like the wars in the middle-east to stop. It's such a mess over there".
The genie frowns. "Oowh.. that's a hard one".
"Well, there is this other problem I have. I am developing a software product and I have some customers who are really unsatisfied with it so far. Can you fix that"?
The genie says: "Let me have another look at that middle-east problem of yours"!

Q: How many programmers does it take to change a light bulb?
A: None. It's a hardware problem

Two strings are standing at the bar. The first one says to the barman: "Can I have a beer please"?
"Ofcourse" the barman replies. He asks the second string: "What would you like"?
Second string says: "Well, I'd lov69_-9456joibkdo__0 06◘♠0fg¬µ5gGSd sdf)_h4⌂18gh5ddGD..... "
The barman frowns, whereafter the first string says: "Don't mind him. He's not null-terminated"