Thanks for the code, I will certainly try it.

Late last night I fixed my problem another way. I used my current routine that I had written using Graphics32 to combine the bitmap with the mask. The result I save as a 32 bit bitmap and load that into glxtreem imagelist, it works sweet.

I have only been using glxtreem 1 day and I am very excited by it.

One other question.

Is it possible to query a computer's graphics card in software to make sure it can handle a Glxtreem application? If I know a copmputer can't handle my app I can start up a alternative software version instead.

For example, using the imagelist demo, in which I had replaced the images with a larger ones of up to 800x600, I got all sorts of problems on some computers. A number of computers here at work suffer from a problem that images will only go to 256 pixlels (or there abouts) wide. Even pentium 800mhz with a matrox g200 could't handle the app.