Quote Originally Posted by WILL View Post
Yeah well look that Apple has done for Object Pascal lately?

I agree that Apple was the mecca of all Pascal coding back in the early 80s, but things have changed. Now it's a royal pain. I'm hoping that with the announcement from Embarcadero's next Delphi version and the efforts of the Lazarus team this changes drastically in the next year or so.
I enjoy my FPC programming on the Mac these days, but that is, of course, thanks to the FPC team, not Apple. I even enjoy Cocoa programming now that I don't have to use Objective C!

But for the challenge, that doesn't matter, I don't use any (visible) Cocoa at all so far. I work though GLUT. I intend to switch to my own Cocoa-based API when I have time, but that won't happen until after the challenge has ended. Not much time left but I am still trying.