Quote Originally Posted by Ingemar View Post
Well, it is not separate from the game executable, but then I guess I have my answer.
A simple solution to this is to have the editor disabled for the competition version. Or you could have it activated via a DOS-style parameter or whatever is similar on the Mac.

Something important to note is that we are judging how the entires function or preform, not how you coded them. You can have all kinds of disabled code in your entry as long as it "functions" as specified in the rules.

After the competition, we all highly encourage each team to re-release your games with whatever missing features you would have liked to put it due to rule restrictions. I personally highly encourage you to put in a little label for the games you'd like to continue developing as a "PGD Challenge Version" or some-such. This allows you to clairify to those fan of yours that this was specific version was made for a competition and any future versions are completely of your own design and vision.