Well, if you don't get those screenies done, I'll post up my BSODs from over zealous multithreading. I have a few memory leaks in my code. Particularly the part that has an array of pointers to threads. So whenever I try to run the game, it makes its threads and loses them so keeps making more most annoying. Picture 2,500 threads trying to load the same resource files... That windows installation is NOT happy. In other news, my current version continues to spew runtime errors out of Win32 and Win64 whilst things are very nice indeed in the nixworld. Just synced up the home server to handle my project and exciting news:

Networking - you can network play my game YAA! or at least thats the plan

Paul: is there not a part of sdl that does threads?
Chronozphere: Good luck... I recon I'm about 600 lines ahead and roughly the same on win32/64 fnuctionality.