I actually meant to post something yesterday, but I wanted too much and ended up getting nothing.
What I wanted was a little video, but I couldn't get CamStudio to work properly. Something silly about a codec that failed to initialize. After the tenth error or so I had enough and went to bed. Without the video there wasn't much new to write about anyway.

I suppose today was even worse. Not because I still have no video. No, today I learned I have a week less to work on this entry. Not sure why but in my mind the competition ended on the 17th and not the 10th of July. Pretty stupid huh
Well, at least it set my mind straight about the rule I set for this competition: Keep it simple! And don't add fancy stuff until you have something playable.

So on with the game. Here is the latest screenshot. I suppose it leaves little to guess about what kind of game I'm making, right?

  • A basic AI routine has been added. Robots now choose any available direction. It still needs quite a bit of work as, among other problems, they often tend to return into the direction they came from.
  • Robots first rotate into the direction they want to go, before they actually go in that direction.
  • The load level procedure has been altered so that it now also loads items than can be picked up.

That's it for now. Let me know what you think and in case you're participating in the compo, be sure to write something yourself.