A little status report:

- Collision detection is now really good. I have experimented with stationary objects and it works well, quite stable.
- Camera placement is now decent. For quite some time the camera kept catching up with the car which looks bad.
- I have done some work on my own models. Sadly, I am no 3D artist so they are either simple or look terrible.
- Start/finish/checkpoints, not finished but soon. Maybe working this evening.
- Work on level data files.

Left to do:
- Make the checkpoints work properly (and related game mechanics).
- Computer players with decent AI.
- Particle system for smoke.
- Better sound effects. (cfxr is a great tool, but the sound quality is not always ideal.)
- Optimization through VBOs and frustum culling. I will probably skip that for now as long as it runs fine on my MacBook.
- Make it fun to play. Really the hardest problem of all.

The biggest critical problem still unsolved is how to make AI players, and I really need that. But anyway, for being a 3D racing game that is not built on any 3rd party engine, I am rather happy.