This is the first time I've entered a PGD compo, so go easy on me eh?..
The multiplexity idea is... challenging, I think most people can think of a game idea if it can be easily based on a standard genre.. it doesn't take a massive logical leap to come up with another Doom (although implementing the idea is another story). I think that my chosen idea is probably not the most imaginative, but it could be fun to play and I've not seen anything like it before, It seems like a good idea and won't be trivial to implement.. so Ladies and Gentlemen, I present to you my idea for the 2007 Pascal Game Development competition.
Crash Block
(waits for the roars of applause from the amazing anti-climax to die down)
Basically, it's a cross between Flashback and Tetris. A player is trapped within a Tetris game and has to survive by playing the pieces. Only there's no simple control system. The player has to throw things at a crane holding the current tetris block to move it into place. Once in place, or once the chain snaps, the block crashes down until it hits the ground... or the player. Completing lines removes it from the play arena
The player has to scramble over the blocks to get to a good vantage point where they can control the crane better and avoid squishy death at the hands of the heavy blocks above.
I've put the details in the design doc which is sitting on my site at