simple mode 3 asm example
e.g. it does not work correctly as i only seem to be able to write to the whole screen on half of it?
needs goldroad assembler to compile

;; ------------------------------------------------------------
;;	Basic asm example

;; ------------------------------------------------------------
;;	program entry point
b	gba_main

;; ------------------------------------------------------------
;;	variables
video_buffer    @DCD 0x06000000    ; Screen memory address
display_control @DCD 0x04000000    ; Display register
color_white	@DCD 0x0000FFFF	   ; White
mode3		@DCD 0x00000003	   ; mode 3 (240x160x16bit)
bg		@DCD 0x00000400	   ; background 2
x		@DCD 0x00000078    ; x (120)
y               @DCD 0x00000050    ; y (80)
width		@DCD 0x000000F0    ; screen width (240 px)


;	set up screen
	ldr r6,[display_control]   ; Setup VideoMode
	ldr r1,[bg]
	ldr r2,[mode3]
	orr r1,r1,r2
	str r1,[r6]
;	test putpixel ( video_buffer[y *width + x]=color )			
	ldr r0,[video_buffer]  	;address of VRAM
      	ldr r1,[color_white]
	ldr r2,[y]			
	ldr r3,[x]		
	ldr r4,[width]
	mul r5,r2,r4
	add r6,r5,r3
	str r1,[r0,r6]		;store r1 in r0 with offset r6		

;	loop forever
	b	loopforever