I was just hopping around all my older my bookmarks today [size=9px]--something I haven't done in ages--[/size] and I noticed that the Project JEDI website has changed.

[size=9px]JEDI stands for Joint Endeavor of Delphi Innovators.[/size]

For the longest time the JEDI site has had a poorly neglected and ugly earth tone background with not much visual appeal to the avid surfer. Well it seems they got tired of it too and decided to give the site a make-over.

The new layout is great as everything is all on one page so no scrolling to get to where you want. A great little section was added (or revamped?) called 'How to do header conversions'. Which is great for us as we have so many C/C++ to Object Pascal conversion projects around. Plus they have now gone the way of the wiki and created their own.

All-in-all their new site, though still loaded with great information is now looking better than ever!

[size=9px]Checkout Project JEDI website at www.delphi-jedi.org![/size]