
We are proud to introduce you our latest game called Wicked Defense. It is a real-time puzzle and strategy game in 3D with advanced visual effects and user interface.

The rules of the game are very simple: you have to prevent the incoming hordes of monsters from reaching their destination by building attack towers and casting powerful spells.

The game goes beyond the classical approach very common to all Turret Defense maps. Instead of linearily upgrading towers and maxing their characteristics, you have to make towers support each other with their special abilities. In addition, all towers and all monsters in the game have their unique special abilities. You can upgrade each tower in one of three different categories (they change from tower to tower), making every tower you build completely unique!

The game can display thousands of objects with the total complexity of 2 million faces or more, in real-time. It uses procedural geometry for all objects in the game and requires a shader-capable video card to run.

Wicked Defense was made in Delphi and uses Asphyre eXtreme 4.1 as its graphics core.

Check the game at: