Hi all,

I have by now learnt a lot about OpenGL and have started making complex models (tanks, planes, blah blah, the ordinary stuff), and I realise how important lighting is.

I have read a couple of tutorials and after many tries i have grasped the basics of making a light source and giving it ambient, diffuse and the other type of lighting which i can´t remember lol.

I realise how much of an art it is to be able to place each light source to give a good view of the model and give the game it´s in some mood.

What I would like to ask, is for advice on how to do exactly that.
From experience, what are the important things to look out for?
How should I use each type of lighting?
How do I make reflections on a surface or change the ´reflectivity´ of a surface?

And most important, it seems like opengl allows you to make up to 9 light sources called LIGHT0,LIGHT1,LIGHT2...LIGHT8, right?
But if I want to make more than that? I was thinking about a light for each unit in my game, to give it colour and shininess, so what if i have 50 units?

thank you all for you help!