Hello everyone!

I'd like to show you the beta of my project. The game is called "bouncer" and it looks like a pong clone, but it's different. Check the screenies below:

Download Bouncer:

http://necrodome.homeftp.net/chronoz...25b%20beta.zip(thanx michiel for hosting :razz: )
http://nathan.filesources.de/Binairi...25b%20beta.zip (mirror)

The goal is to stay alive as long as possible. You do not loose a life when you let the ball pass, as in the normal pong game. You only get killed when you're hit by a missile or a flammable ball. Check the ingame help for more details.

If you don't like the level's/brick patterns in this game, you might want to modify bricks.txt. It contains the patterns and you can add your own. Check the comment's in that file for more info.

you need to install openAL before you run the game, otherwise initialization will fail.

Please tell me whether you like it, and what framerates you get.
and If you happen to make some nice brick patterns, i would like to see them.

Have fun.