I just recently ran across what I think is something of an oppertunity for Pascal developers to catch onto. A projects called OpenXDK (Open XBOX Development Kit) has just made their first release. http://www.openxdk.org/

In short it's an opensource(LEGAL) development kit for the X-Box(if the name of it wasn't too obvious ). It apparently compiles under gcc and Microsoft's VC. "So what?" you say, "What does this have to do with us?". Well, for one it's open source. And if you all recall there was not too long ago the completion of a very successful translation of the Quake 2 source AND there is not to mention a whole slew of C header translation projects(JEDI-SDL, DirectX Headers, OpenGL Headers, OpenAL Headers, and a ton of others). Why not a project to translate this? I'm sure that Free Pascal would be able to support the X-Box easily, considering that it's only a Pentium III processor with custom hardware. This idea is not so far-fetched...

The kit is designed to make use of SDL aswell, so a co-operation of both JEDI-SDL and Free Pascal could allow for a new generation of games development for Pascal game developers, making X-Box games.