I have 1 rule of thumb for all applications i ever make: Never add application main unit to uses list of other units. It is really unmodular and bad habit. Only when it's really really necessary for 2 forms needing alot of communication between eachother, then i might consider cross-using.

Instead you can make for example gameunit.pas or gametypes.pas, and introduce all global types and variables there. This unit would use no other units in itself, but could be included up to all your other units. Kind of like this:
nxTypes is included throughout the whole engine, and all of the units have access to nxSetError() for consistent error reporting, types and other little things.

And on topic, if you would have to make a whole class implementation for each different state, then at least i would consider it more complicated than the case-procedure way. It might be smarter, but it might take a whole lot more code lines