Simple stupid question.

If I have declared 2 variables type of IDirect3DTexture9 and I use DirectX loader function to load image to first one of those variables.

After that If I assign that variable which holds the texture to another variable is that image data copied to new memory location also or is that another variable just pointing to same memory space (debugger says it's a same memory space, but.....)

For example.....

  T1: IDirect3DTexture9;
  T2: IDirect3DTexture9;

  T1 := Loadtexture(FileName);

   // Now T1 is referencing to texture in memory.

  T2 := T1;

   // is T2 referencing to same texture or is that a copy of previous one?


   // Now texture should be freed from memory, but it can be drawn by
   // using T2?!?