Just to say that the new internal file format isn't working, that's why I didn't released yet. I don't know whay I'm doing wrong. I still working on it.
Just to say that the new internal file format isn't working, that's why I didn't released yet. I don't know whay I'm doing wrong. I still working on it.
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I've fixed the file format issue (I forgot to write the "end" of the tileset name, so it didn't find it when loading). I did also some "invisible" stuff.
I was planned to release it as "version 0.1" but I think I will not until I add all stuff I planned (multilayer and "file format description language") or until somebody ask for it.![]()
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I'm glad to see this tool is still begin worked on. (even if slowly) Would the tool Tiled be of any inspiration?
I've been using it myself for my Game Maker Studio projects and it's pretty decent. There could be a few more features of course. I like how they included isometric as well as the normal 1:1 tile grid.
Something I'd love to see is a hex tile grid. Maybe animated tiles and of course the ever popular auto-tiles.
Would you consider making Tile Studio export to various formats? XML, match other popular tools (like Tiled), JSON and others?
At the moment only normal 1:1 tile grid will be supported. But since the map drawer/editor is a TFrame with all functionality inside it should be easy to add isometric and hex tile grids too.
Not sure what "auto-tiles" is. Animated ones might be in the future too.
Actually this will be the strong point. The application will allow to define the output format by using a simple description language, simpler than the original TileStudio.
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Thanks. Actually I planned to add it but didn't know how was called.
Nice tutorials.![]()
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There are only two undeniable truths in this universe:
- Human stupidity has no limits.
- I'm the less tenacious programmer ever.
Anyway, after playing with Tiled I decided to continue with this project, as I really need a simple tilemap editor (I'm still wondering why are other ones so complex).
But (and here is where my human stupidity is involved) I didn't found a clean copy of the project. It seems as I forgot to do a back-up of the latest barely-stable version and I had found a broken one. Broken because it has an unfinished "brush-selector" much like the original TileStudio one. So (more stupidity involved) I started to clean and fix, and I decided to wipe-out Allegro from the program. I started to use LCL's TBitmap and TPicture components. They aren't as bad as I remember. But not everything is wrong: I did some smart work with a few wrapper classes around Allegro's bitmaps so porting isn't so big pain. The bad thing is it loads BMP files only. But it's 0k now.
At the moment it seems to import tiles correctly. Now I should update the tile selector.
Last edited by Ñuño Martínez; 19-08-2016 at 05:46 PM.
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After playing with code, I'm stuck. There's something in TBimap, TPicture, TPaintBox and TCanvas that I don't understand. Sometimes they don't render what is supposed to. I'm tired of this so I decided to hack the Allegro.pas' demo map editor. Fortunately I can borrow some stuff from the work I did.
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