
We just made it to the topwebgames listing.
Check us out here at http://www.topwebgames.com/details.asp?id=596
If you would like to support us please vote, or better yet, join our forums at http://forums.aotaonline.com and help the community.

I know it's hard to vote for a game you have not seen. I might release a single player demo of the game in a week or two, as soon as we get most of these bugs fixed. I want to have a 'fight-less' beta test of the server in a couple of weeks to work out some more bugs. Currently the lag could be better but other then that there is only like one or two major bugs. But the main thing is that I am converting from a local encrypted database to work with MYSQL. This will make it faster to access data and also will allow me to make some PHP scripts for account creation, account management, etc...

So keep checking back on us for updates.

btw Steve, thanx for posting about us on the Turbo page ^_-