The loss software companies, the music industry and the video industry has to cope with is because their products are too expensive! Look at a CD here in the Netherlands you pay about 23 Euro for a single CD, in the past you paid 40,-- gulden (if we calculate that to Euro it's about 18 Euro) and I always felt that, that was too expensive for a CD!

Software packages and games have exactly the same problem, look at a good game, you pay about 49 Euro for a game you will play about 1 to 2 months and then you finished it and you need to buy a new one and in comparison to software packages games are cheap, take a look at a good software package like VMWARE you pay $329 (about the same amount in euro) just to run you windows version in linux and vica versa and it doesn't even work spotless!

If they lower the prices of software, games, music and videos then more people will buy that instead of making illegal copies!

It's just like I said with Delphi, they need to make a cheap, limited version (like the old personal version that you could buy with D3) with which you can sell software, but you are obligated to include the delphi/borland/inprise logo so you'll advertise with your software for them too!

In short again, I think what Microsoft plans to do is pure criminality, they try to invade both our privacy and our control over our own pc... If we continue this movement, then we will have to get something of a computer driverslicense from microsoft before we can even use a pc!