Since there are no more updates to Kylix i guess this project will soon be unusable due to kernel changes and it won't work on 64 bit machines, but i may be wrong.

I think the CrossFPC project is a good idea but i don't think people will help because they already have Lazarus wich runs on many platforms and can CrossCompile too, also CrossCompiling with FPC is easier from Linux to Windows than Windows to Linux, Lazarus is much more closely connected to FPC and even adding features like CrossCompilation should be much easier, also the LCL is designed to be crossplatform without any external libs unlike CLX and tries to be VCL compatible, another problem is the lack of packages in FPC and syntax differences wich force you to use a common set of features unless you plan to use FPC as compiler for win32 too wich will give you access to things like macros.

I wish you good luck with this project but i'm sure Borland won't be verry happy about it as they will probably think of losing the market share, but maybe it will make Pascal more popular, who knows :roll: