Quote Originally Posted by Savage
To compile your project you just need to type...
fpc -Sd -B <project name>.dpr
Is there a way to include directories when fpc compiles, e.g.
F:\Xngine - Contains my projects source
F:\Xngine\Formats - Contains file format headers
F:\Xngine\Headers - Contains any extra headers that i will need (e.g. OpenAL, Newton, etc)

Im using the unit Graphics too for the TBitmap class, fpc cant find this unit so should i just create a new unit with the class in it? or is there a different unit that has it?

With my game im currently using the indy components, i saw that Kylix has these components too, is there a FPC set of classes?

Quote Originally Posted by WILL
If you want to know a quick way to see if you actaully NEED a unit (becasue Delphi starts you off with a standard set, and adds them automatically if you use and VCL drag and drop components, even if you remove them after the unit will stay in your source) try this.
Thanks WILL, found out i had 4 units i didnt need :roll:

Quote Originally Posted by cairnswm
My feeling is .NET is the natural progression from pascal units. Instead of just encapsulating the functionality you need in a unit which gets compiled into your program it now resides outside the program.
But wont you be restricting yourself to what windows wants to do with the controls?
I mean with some controls you can override the drawing events and make it look and do what you want it to do?!

Wont it take longer for all the properties, methods and events to be refreshed with all the calls to .Net?

I have another dumb question, does any one know the defined Delphi 7 version? (e.g. VER150)?