Quote Originally Posted by tumitoto
I am watching your progress and see if your compoenents will 'enable' me to start my project. I been searching for a suitable game engine. Other than rendering 3d scenes and objects, I am looking for:
1. A good level editor (or can use the output from a good level editor).
2. Mouse pick object.
3. Model import convetor (like MD2/MD3, 3dsmax..).
4. fonts + gui

A5 is lacking on the control side, you have to use their C script and you have to let its engine drive your game. 3dState is lacking on the level editor (indoor) and font supprt. 6dx is also lacking level editor, I can not get the quark to install properly. fly3d is promising but lack on mouse pick object callback/messaging.

I will have to read up more on your components since there are not a lot of docs on them.
Well, isn't documentation just soo booring =) Have, started on it a bit, but i let the demos stand as the major source of understandment for the moment.

Of what you mentioned above GLXTreem supports the following:

1> Has a Quake3 .BSP Loader, so you can use an Quake3 Level editor such as Q3Radiant to build your maps, then GLXTreem can display them.
2> No support for the moment, (There's however support in OpenGL for this).
3> Model import is currently supported as Milkshape3D .ms3d Models (The program can convert from 3ds, md2, md3, obj..) and Wavefront .OBJ files (saved as asci so not as stable as the ms3d). Will also add support for MD3's in the not to distant future.
4> Has support for both system fonts and outlined fonts, the ImageList has the capability of drawing bitmap font aswell, but no builtin support as now (Have to write the textdraw yourself). Other GUI component's isn't there, but has quite a bit of 2D rendering functions to play with.

There's another thing that's a big diference between GLXTreem and engines like 6DX, it comes with full source, so if you find a function that does almost what you want you can always just copy the function and make the changes you want.