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Thread: New Pascal Game Directory forum

  1. #1
    PGD Community Manager AthenaOfDelphi's Avatar
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    New Pascal Game Directory forum

    Hi all,

    One thing that struck me last night when I was looking through the site... there have been some great games produced and released commercially, but finding them here is a nightmare. They are dotted around all over the place in various forums... so I've created a new forum where I would like all the users who have produced and released commercial games with Pascal to add an entry to the directory.

    People can then leave reviews, rate your game through the thread rating system and perhaps most importantly find them and find out just what is possible.
    :: AthenaOfDelphi :: My Blog :: My Software ::

  2. #2
    PGD Community Manager AthenaOfDelphi's Avatar
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    We have our first entry in the Pascal Game Directory... but I know there are more out there... wagenheimer... I'm looking at you
    :: AthenaOfDelphi :: My Blog :: My Software ::

  3. #3
    =), yes I have some games to add to this list!
    Druids - Battle of Magic, Abra Academy, Abra Academy - Returning Cast, Dreams of a Geisha, Heroes from the Past : Joan of Arc, Tales of the Orient - The Rising Sun, The Sultan's Labyrinth, The Sultan's Labyrinth: A Royal Sacrifice, Clairvoyant - The Magician Mystery and Obscure Legends - The Curse of the Ring.

    I'm a little rushed, but I'm registering all of them here when I get some free time. =)

    Unfortunately I think they were my last games in Pascal. Were wonderful years for me, I am very grateful to the entire community, many here helped me a lot. But my new games are all being done in Unity, where I can finally worry more on developing the game itself (already multiplatform) than worrying about technical details. I'm still here watching with great affection, and still hope to help in any way. I'm happy with this rebirth of the community, and I'm curious to see how far we get. =)

  4. #4
    Quote Originally Posted by wagenheimer View Post
    Unfortunately I think they were my last games in Pascal. Were wonderful years for me, I am very grateful to the entire community, many here helped me a lot. But my new games are all being done in Unity, where I can finally worry more on developing the game itself (already multiplatform) than worrying about technical details. I'm still here watching with great affection, and still hope to help in any way. I'm happy with this rebirth of the community, and I'm curious to see how far we get. =)
    I'm a great fan of your work.

    What programming language do you use within Unity?

  5. #5
    Hi Rodrigo! I'm glad you like my work! =)

    With Unity I'm using C#! It's not so different from Pascal and there is some pretty interesting additions.

    Actually I think C# and Pascal are so similar that some of my algorithms I converted to C# just pasting the Pascal Code and doing some Find/Replace.


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